In this episode of the Benson at 100, historian Pilar Zazueta talks to Daniel Arbino, Head of Collection Development for the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection, about an item in the Arturo Taracena Flores collection: an 1824 edict written by the newly independent government of Guatemala. What is the relevance of the document and what does it tell us about the legacies of colonial domination in Central America? Escuchar en español
Arturo Taracena Flores Collection
Biography of Dr. Demetrio Cojtí
Indigenous Languages Initiative at LLILAS Benson
The Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America
Grandin, G., D. Levenson-Estrada, and E. Oglesby, eds. 2011. The Guatemala Reader : History, Culture, Politics. Duke University Press.
LLILAS Benson. 2021. “Indigenous Languages Thrive at UT Austin: Quechua, Nahuatl, and K’iche’.” Portal online.
Pinto Soria, J. 1996. Nación, caudillismo y conflicto étnico en Guatemala (1821–1854). Instituto de Investigaciones Políticas y Sociales, Escuela de Ciencia Política, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.
Romero, Sergio, and Susanna Sharpe. 2021. “In Memoriam: Manuel Tahay.” Portal online.