Charlie Vorosmarty discusses mapping human water security and biodiversity threats and potential green/gray solutions that integrate nature based and traditional engineering approaches.
The Water Resources Podcast
Use of Atmospheric River Data to Improve Water Resource Management
Marty Ralph discusses atmospheric rivers and how we can optimize them to improve water resources management within the context of droughts and floods through Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations.
Linkages between Global Water Scarcity, Food Production, and Climate Change
Lorenzo Rosa talks about green, blue, and economic water scarcity related to food production considering climate change and potential solutions to scarcity.
Groundwater Resources Management in the Horn of Africa and Southern Africa
In this podcast, Seifu discusses challenges to groundwater resources management in the Horn of Africa and Southern Africa related to droughts and floods and potential for conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water for more sustainable development.
Assessing the Barriers to Groundwater Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
Jude Cobbing discusses the water resources in Sub-Saharan Africa, the barriers to development, including financing, drilling and pumping technologies, and energy access, and approaches to addressing these barriers as shown in South Africa.
Assessing Global Climate Risks for the Reinsurance Industry and Beyond
Megan Hart discusses risks related to natural hazards (e.g., floods, droughts, earthquakes) and approaches to managing those risks within the context of climate change.
Managing China’s Water Scarcity and Excess
Chunmiao Zheng discusses China’s Water Challenges, including water scarcity in the north and water excess in the south, transfer from south to north, widespread water pollution and governance.
Addressing Groundwater Scarcity and Arsenic Pollution with Potential Solutions in India
Abhijit discusses overexploitation of groundwater resources and arsenic contamination with potential solutions using managed aquifer recharge and stratified drilling to minimize arsenic exposure.
Evolution of Global Hydrologic Modeling and Methods for Transdisciplinary Risk Management
Petra Döll discusses the evolution of global hydrologic modeling, especially WaterGAP, as well as transdisciplinary knowledge integration in participatory processes in water and risk management.
Role of Groundwater in Developing Countries in the World Bank
Francois Bertone and Lucy Lytton discuss the recent World Bank report on The Hidden Wealth of Nations, The Economics of Groundwater in Times of Climate Change.