Yoshi Wada discusses how energy access can resolve water issues through desalination and water reuse.
The Water Resources Podcast
Building Water Resilience Amid Intensifying Droughts
Newsha Ajami discusses changes in water use in urban areas in California
linked to energy efficiency and droughts.
Peter Gleick and The Three Ages of Water
Peter Gleick discusses his latest book, The Three Ages of Water: Prehistoric
Past, Imperiled Present, and a Hope for the Future.
Approaches to Adapting Water Management in Jordan
Maysoon Al-Zoubi discusses water stresses in Jordan linked to refugee influx and climate extremes with various proposed solutions.
Potential for Wastewater Reuse to Address Water Shortages in California
Doug Owen talks about advances in wastewater reuse over the past decades with an emphasis on potable reuse in San Diego.
Improving Access to Water for Tens of Millions of People in East Africa and South Asia
Rob Hope discusses REACH and Uptime programs that are designed to improve water access for the poor in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Bangladesh.
Approaches to Sustainable Management of Global Water Resources
Brian Richter talks about his recent work on the Colorado River, global environmental flows, and sustainable water management.
Update on Groundwater Sustainability and Land Subsidence in California’s Central Valley
Claudia Faunt describes the new Central Valley Hydrologic Model (CVHM) highlighting the system response to droughts and floods and groundwater pumping and land subsidence from 1962 to 2019.
Increasing Resilience of Water Resources Management in New Zealand
Cath Moore describes airborne geophysics, physical and chemical monitoring, and modeling approaches to understand water resource challenges in New Zealand.
Locating Groundwater Wells in Refugee Camps in Eastern Chad using Near-Surface Geophysics
Paul Bauman talks about his recent trip to Eastern Chad to locate groundwater wells in new and expanding camps hosting refugees from neighboring Sudan.