This episode features a coach who has a wealth of knowledge and is loaded with lessons that are applicable for both young and veteran coaches alike. Director of Strength & Conditioning at the UFC Performance Institute, Bo Sandoval shares his approach to collaborating with coaches and athletes, how seemingly small opportunities can move your career forward, the importance of adding versatility to your role, and much more!
Prior to joining the UFC Performance Institute, Sandoval served as a Strength & Conditioning specialist at the United States Olympic Training Center and as the Assistant Director of Strength and Conditioning for Olympic Sports at the University of Michigan. While at UM, he expanded his involvement with the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), participating in multiple Special Interest Groups, as well as serving as a subject matter expert on Weightlifting for the Essential Lifts Certification and Curriculum, and was honored by the NSCA as the 2015 College Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year.