A longhorn in maroon? How does that work in Texas. Listen to Richard Wright on being a rural superintendent and learn how many people he has on his staff. Learn how he manages local politics and listen carefully to his lessons learned.
Episode 04: Ron Caloss – My Mentor
Dr. Ron Caloss is my mentor. His insights, laughs, encouragements, and life lessons kept me going each day. Listen what he has to say about the superintendency today, and what advice he has for new superintendents. Find out why hiring is so important and why the job is so tough.
Episode 03: Beau Rees – The Home of the Kangaroos
Beau Rees is in his 24th year as superintendent. He started out when he was 26 years old as a principal. His insights and lessons learned about leadership and education are hidden gems. Find out how he became a principal at the age of 26, and why lunch duty is a rite of passage for educational leaders.