Why does Dr. Parra like poetry and why is that so important in the superintendency? What does a set of encyclopedias have to do with our friendship and leadership. Listen to this in-depth understanding about the superintendency.
Episode 10: Dr. Tiffany Spicer – Welcome to Buna ISD.
Dr. Spicer has experienced many firsts, so come find out how important it is for her to keep the doors open for others. Plus, growing up in the military has had an impact on her leadership today, so learn what keeps her grounded. And how many hugs does she get during lunch!
Episode 10: Sylvia Ibarra – Superintendent of Valley View ISD! Welcome to RGV.
Discover how Sylvia Ibarra has navigated the superintendency in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. How to balance between family and superintendency. How she is thinking about her next career move and insights as to what she is thinking about.
Episode 09: Clint Sadler – Hear About Leon ISD!
Why does Clint not like Journey? And Clint has one of the best lunch duty stories and it involves the song, faithfully! Learn more about how he works with his team to create opportunities for students as a first-year superintendent. Clint is going places!
Episode 08: Dave Plymale – Remember Goliad!
Dave is a gentleman and wants the best for everyone. Learn about Mrs. Thompson who inspired him as a young child to become an educator. And learn why he is still going strong after the superintendency.
Episode 07: Dr. Stacy Johnson and Dr. Tracy Canter – Two Supt, Two Sisters.
Stacy is the oldest and Tracy is the youngest. Twin sisters who moved around a lot with their parents grew up to become superintendents in Texas! Find out more about their family background, and what drove them to keep moving up. Moreover, how these two amazing leaders overcame a male dominated world of West Texas superintendency.
Episode 05: Richard Wright – Have you heard of Agua Dulce ISD?
A longhorn in maroon? How does that work in Texas. Listen to Richard Wright on being a rural superintendent and learn how many people he has on his staff. Learn how he manages local politics and listen carefully to his lessons learned.
Episode 03: Beau Rees – The Home of the Kangaroos
Beau Rees is in his 24th year as superintendent. He started out when he was 26 years old as a principal. His insights and lessons learned about leadership and education are hidden gems. Find out how he became a principal at the age of 26, and why lunch duty is a rite of passage for educational leaders.
Episode 02: Adam Ivy – Buffalo, Texas, the home of the Bisons.
Adam Ivy grew up in Texas not playing football! Find out why, and how he came to be a football coach. Soon thereafter, he became a superintendent. Adam owes a great deal of his success to mentors in life, and now he wants to give back. Learn more about Adam and his love of Middle School.
How are coaches better suited for the superintendency? Why does Adam love middle school cafeteria noise? Answers to these and more in Episode 2.