Carolina A. Villarroel holds a PhD in Spanish literature with a specialization in US Latino Literature and Women’s Studies. She is the former archivist in charge of the Mexican American and African American Collections at the Houston Metropolitan Research Center at the Houston Public Library and in 2011, she became a Certified Archivist through the Academy of Certified Archivists. Her expertise in U.S. Latino culture and literature has been fundamental to her positions at the University of Houston (UH), where she is the Brown Foundation Director of Research of the Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage, a national program whose goal is to identify, preserve, study and make accessible the written production of Latinos/as in the United States from the colonial period until 1960. She and her colleague, Gabriela Baeza Ventura, are co-PIs on an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation grant to establish the first program on US Latino/o digital humanities in Texas and the nation.
Dr. Carolina A. Villarroel