Genetic Counseling is an exciting and nuanced field in healthcare that is expanding rapidly. Kalisi Logan, Certified Genetic Counselor in the oncology clinic at UT Health Austin, helps us uncover the day-to-day reality of the work as well as the typical path to becoming a genetic counselor. We also discuss the new Clinical Undergraduate Shadowing Program at the LCI, known as CUSP.
Medical school
Episode 17: The Practice and Trajectory of Palliative Care in Oncology
Palliative care is an important part of a cancer care plan that is often overlooked. Two experts on palliative care join us on this episode to help us understand this specialized medical treatment. Dr. Elizabeth Kvale is the director of the Supportive Care and Survivorship Program and medical director of the cancer treatment program at Livestrong Cancer Institutes. Emily McLeod is a clinical nurse specialist at the Livestrong Cancer Institute’s clinic.
Episode 16 Part 2: The Young Adult Advisory Board at the Livestrong Cancer Institutes
Young adults face unique challenges when faced with a cancer diagnosis and treatment. On this two part episode, we welcome Ryan Becerra, Rebecca Munoz, MPH, and Ajit Sharma, PhD, who share their experience with cancer and also serve on the Young Adult Advisory Board at the Livestrong Cancer Institutes. Laura Cannon PharmD, MPH, pharmacist at the LCI, hosts this important discussion.
This episode of Cancer Uncovered was mixed and mastered by Ean Herrera.
Episode 16: Part 1: The Young Adult Advisory Board at the Livestrong Cancer Institutes
Young adults face unique challenges when faced with a cancer diagnosis and treatment. On this two part episode, we welcome Ryan Becerra, Rebecca Munoz, MPH, and Ajit Sharma, PhD, who share their experience with cancer and also serve on the Young Adult Advisory Board at the Livestrong Cancer Institutes. Laura Cannon PharmD, MPH, and pharmacist at the LCI hosts this important discussion.
This episode of Cancer Uncovered was mixed and mastered by Morgan Honaker.
Episode 15: Population Health and Cancer Prevention
Today we uncover the topic of population health within the field of oncology. Our guest for this episode is Dr. Navkiran Shokar, Chair and Professor for the Department of Population Health at Dell Medical School here at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Shokar discusses important measures for researching cancer screening and prevention as well as treating cancer as a primary care physician.
This episode of Cancer Uncovered was mixed and mastered by Morgan Honaker and Ean Herrera.