Join Texas Exes Dr. Latoya Smith and Dr. Richard Reddick as they invite listeners to navigate effective mentorship. Dr. Smith is the Vice President for Diversity and Community Engagement and an Assistant Professor of Practice at The University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Reddick is a professor of education, leadership and policy and associate Dean for equity, community engagement and outreach in the college of education at UT Austin. He also holds courtesy appointments in the African and African diaspora studies department, as well as Plan II honors. Not only are they UT Austin alumni, they also have shared experiences as Latin scholars with military backgrounds and steering multiple leadership roles at UT Austin.
Mid-Month Mini Episode: Enhancing Your Interviewing Skills Through Stories
In this episode, Patty Prado invites listeners to focus on the impact of their stories when interviewing with prospective employers. Patty is an Assistant Director of Leadership Development and Coaching in the Department of Medical Education at The University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School.
This episode of Cancer Uncovered was mixed and mastered by Morgan Honaker.