Dr. Yasmiyn Irizarry is quantitative sociologist by training with research interests in (1) sociology of education, (2) race and ethnicity, (3) sexuality and queer studies, (4) social inequality, and (5) intersectionality. Her research, which examines issues related to inequality in elementary and high school contexts, racial identity, the quantitative measurement of race, social attitudes, and prejudice and discrimination, has been supported by funding from the Ford Foundation and the American Educational Research Association.
She is currently working on research supported by a Research Grant from the American Educational Research Association that focuses on disparities in 9th grade math course placements at the intersection of race and gender using nationally representative data from the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009. She is also engaged in a number of collborative studies examining various aspects of racial identity, racial attitudes, and prejudice/discrimination.
Dr. Irizarry is a 2011 graduate of Indiana University, Bloomington, where she completed her PhD in Sociology with a Minor in Quantitative Methodology and a Certificate in College Pedagogy. Prior to joining the Department of African and African Diaspora Studies, she worked three years as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and a Research Fellow in the Social Science Research Center at Mississippi State University, where she taught a number of courses including sociology of education, research methods, and the PhD social statistics sequence.